Friday, April 24, 2015

Printing of the First Book Now Underway!

As I type this, my first children's book is being printed. I'm like an expectant parent all over again...

(this morning I reviewed the printers proof and gave the "okay"
to move forward with the entire print run of Dozi the Alligator Finds a Family.)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Supporting Common Core Standards

This is a nice bonus: Dozi the Alligator Finds a Family supports Common Core Standards!

This is also pretty cool: Shane Olson, the same super-talented artist who created my Dozi the Alligator figure, also created the new Disney Infinity 2.0 Spider-Man figure. *Dozi the Alligator figure is based on the beautiful artwork created by the also super-talented Nicola Sammarco.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Digital Files Off to the Printer!

(the first book goes to press soon!)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

PGW Children's Books, Spring 2015

Seeing the first two volumes of my children's book series listed in this official catalog makes it all feel a little more real.

T–37 more days until publication.

(Dozi the Alligator books appear on official distribution website)